• Subject
Lecturer Topics
Mechanical Applications in Chemical Industry 1. Kósa Technical drawing, mechanics fundamentals, stress analysis, machine elements applied in chem. industry, materials, sealing, piping, valves, tanks and hoppers
Mechanical Applications in Chemical Industry 2.  Kósa Operation of simple machines, hydraulic and pneumatic machines, bulk solids handling
Fluid Mechanics in Chemical Industry  Angyal Fundamentals of fluid flow in chemical engineering, basic calculations
Computer Aided Design 1. Angyal Fundamentals of CAD systems, drawing and surface modeling
Computer Aided Design 2. Angyal Projects using CAD software, solid and mechanical modeling
Dust Pollution Prevention  Szabó Fundamentals of dust emission, propagation of dust pollution, filtering and separation, devices of dust pollution prevention
Mech. Eng. Laboratory  Lukenicsné Measurement with basic machines of chemical industry such as pump, fan, ejector, electric motor and dynamo...
French Language Engineering Program   
Filičre Francophone   
Construction et Technologie CAO/DAO  
Bognár Fundamentals of computer aided design, surface-, volume, kinematics-, stress analysis modeling, individual project.