The graphical system used by all UNIX-like operating systems, X Window System, allows you to have several windows on your screen, with a different application running in each window. By itself, however, X Window System can only do very low-level operations, so it is always used in combination with another piece of software, called window manager. A window manager provides windows' frames, titlebar, and buttons, allows you to move, close, and resize windows, etc. GNOME can work with many window managers. The most popular are Sawfish (included as part of GNOME distribution) and Metacity. Each window manager can use many different styles of window decorations and buttons (this is referred to as “window manager theme”). Since it is impossible to cover them all, in this section we only describe the default window manager shipped with GNOME, Sawfish, and its default theme, Crux. An example of the window titlebar using Crux theme is shown in Figure 2
So, what can you do with windows?
To close a window, click on the Close Window button (with the small “x”) in the window titlebar. If the application has any unsaved data, it will prompt you to save it.
To maximize a window, i.e. make it fill the entire screen (except for the part taken by the panels), click on the Maximize button (middle button on the right side). Clicking on this button once again will restore the window to its original size.
To minimize (sometimes also called hide or iconify) a window, click on the Minimize button. The window will disappear from screen. However, it is not lost: the application in this window continues running, no data is lost — it is just temporarily hidden. All minimized windows are shown in the Window List applet and can be restored as described below.
A convenient alternative to minimizing windows is shading them. When you shade a window, it “rolls up” into its own titlebar, so the titlebar is the only part of the window left on screen. To shade a window, click on Shade button; to unshade, click on this button again. You can also shade and unshade window by double-clicking on the titlebar.
Windows on your screen can overlap, so that one of the windows is “on top” of another. You can “raise” a window (i.e., put it on top of all others) by clicking on the window titlebar. You can also switch a window from raised to lowered and back by right-clicking in the titlebar, or by right-clicking anywhere inside the window while holding down Alt key.
Of all the windows on your screen, only one is active (in computer parlance, “focused”), which means that anything you type on the keyboard will be sent to the application running in that window. (It does not mean that the applications in other windows are idle — they can be running as well.) To help you see which window has focus, the titlebar of this window has different color (left side is blue, as opposed to gray for all other windows). To change focus to another window, just click anywhere in that window. You can also click in the window titlebar to focus and raise the window simultaneously.
You can also use Alt-Tab shortcut to switch between windows. This cyclically switches all existing windows. The window to which you switch is raised and given focus.
To move a window, drag its titlebar to a new location using left mouse button (i.e., click in the title bar and move the mouse without releasing the button). You can also move a window by clicking anywhere inside the window while holding down the Alt key.
To resize a window, place the mouse cursor on any of the window borders or corners. The mouse cursor will change to an arrow pushing a line or corner, allowing you to drag the border or corner to a new position.
All the windows on your desktop (including the minimized ones) are shown in the Window List applet, located on your panel. For each window, a mini-icon and beginning of the window title is shown. To restore a minimized window, just click on its title in the Window List applet. Right-clicking on the window title brings up the popup menu which allows you to shade a window, close it, etc.
Sawfish also provides a menu for each window; this menu contains all the operations for this window described above, and then some. To access this menu, right-click on the Close button, or click anywhere inside the window with the middle mouse button while holding down the Alt key.
Finally, Sawfish also provides so-called Root menu. It can be accessed by clicking on any empty space of the desktop with the middle mouse button. It contains the following items:
Provides list of all windows, including minimized ones. Selecting one of these windows restores it (if it was minimized) and raises it over other windows. Very convenient if you have so many windows that the one you need is completely covered by others.
Allows you to switch from one workspace to another, create and delete workspaces. See GNOME Desktop User Guide for details.
Same as Applications submenu of the GNOME Menu.
Allows the user to customize Sawfish (see the section called “Customizing Window Manager” for details).
Provides links to Sawfish website, Sawfish manual (beware: this is not a user's manual but rather a manual for people who write extensions/customizations to Sawfish using LISP programming language), link to GNOME User Guide, and to GNOME website.