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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">Classified publication list/Csoportosított publikációs lista
(23 January 2006/2006. január 23.)
1., Distorted wave Born-approximation for atom-metal surface scattering, E. Balázs and G. Varga, Vacuum 37 153-156, 1987.
2., Surface Reconstruction by simple Hard Corrugated Wall model computations G. Varga and L. Füstöss, Vacuum 41 315-317, 1990.
3., Simple Hard Corrugated Wall model computations L. Füstöss and G. Varga, Vacuum 40 47-50 1990.
4., Atomic Scattering computations by the hard corrugated wall model for symmetric experimental arrangements, G. Varga and L. Füstöss, Surface Science 243 23-30 1991.
5., Determination of Debye-Waller factors from elastic diffraction peaks of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces, Gábor Varga, Vacuum 50 339, 1998.
6., Resolution and transfer width of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces, G. Varga, Applied Surface Science, vol. 144-145 (1999) p.64-68.
7., Investigation of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces using 3D time-dependent Schrödinger equation, G. Varga, Surface Science, vol. 441 (1999) 472-478.
8., Computer simulated thermal energy atomic scattering on solid surfaces, G. Varga, Accepted in Surface Science, vol. 482-485 (2001) p. 1152-1158..
9., Comparison of 3D classical and quantum mechanical He scattering on Rh(311), G.Varga, E. Balázs and L. Füstöss, Accepted in Surface Science, vol. 482-485 (2001) p. 1145-1151..
10., Computer simulation by the quantum mechanical time-dependent wavepacket method, especially for atom/molecule-solid-surface interaction, G. Varga, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol 14 (2002) 6081-6107.
11., Várallyay Zoltán, Varga Gábor, Jakab Laszló, Richter Péter, Szélessávú Raman szalerősítők modern telekommunikációs rendszerekben, Hiradástechnika pp. 24. 2003 július.
12., Zoltán Várallyay, Gábor Varga, László Jakab, Péter Richter, Broadband Raman amplifiers in modern telecommunication systems, Hiradástechnika ("Communications" /seventh English Language Issue/) pp. 36. 2003 december.
13., Várallyay Zoltán, Jakab László, Richter Péter, Varga Gábor, Ritkaföldfémekkel adalékolt optikai szálerősítők és számítógépes modellezésük, Hiradástechnika pp. 2. 2004 február.
14., László Makai, György Hárs, Gábor Varga, Gábor Fülöp, Péter Deák, Computer simulation of the operating pressure of tungsten halogen lamps, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. vol. 38 p. 3217-3225, (2005).
15., P. Nyakas, Zs. Puskas, T. Karpati, T. Veszpremi, Gy. Zsombok, G. Varga, N. Hashizume, Optical simulation of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with non-cylindrical oxide confinement", Optics Communications, vol. 250 p. 389-397 (2005).
Conference proceedings/konferencia kiadványok:
16., Distorted wave Born approximation for atom-metal surface scattering, E. Balázs and G. Varga, Program and Abstracts of Third Joint Vacuum Conference 1985, Debrecen, Hungary,P54.
17., The applicability of Hard Corrugated Potential Wall in calculations of surface scattering, L. Füstöss, G. Varga and E. Balázs, Program and Abstracts of Third Joint Vacuum Conference 1985., Debrecen, Hungary, P55.
18., Simple Hard Corrugated Wall model computations, L. Füstöss and G. Varga, Program and Abstracts of Fourth Joint Vacuum Conference 1988., Portoroz, Yugoslavia.
19., Surface Reconstruction by simple Hard Corrugated Wall model computations, G. Varga and L. Füstöss, Program and Abstracts of 11th International Vacuum Congress, 7th International Conference on Solid Surfaces, Köln, Germany, 1989.
20., Surface structure determination with Hard Corrugated Wall model, G. Varga and L. Füstöss, 1990. XI. Yugoslav Vacuum Congress, Zveza drustev za vakuumsko tehniko Jugoslavije, volume 24, p. 382-390 (1990).
21., The effect of thermal motion of atoms near the surface intensities at atom-surface scattering G. Varga and L. Füstöss, Program and Abstracts of 3rd European Vacuum Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1991.
22., Calculation of diffraction peak intensities of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces by time dependent Schrödinger equation, G. Varga, Extended Abstracts of JVC-7 p. 227 (ISBN 963 472 1672), 7th Joint Vacuum Conference 1997, Debrecen, Hungary.
23., Determination of Debye-Waller factors from elastic diffraction peaks of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces, G. Varga, Extended Abstracts of JVC-7 p. 229 (ISBN 963 472 1672), 7th Joint Vacuum Conference 1997, Debrecen, Hungary.
24., Determination of intensity distribution of thermal energy atom scattering from disordered solid surface by time dependent Schrödinger equation, G. Varga, Extended Abstracts of JVC-7 p. 231 (ISBN 963 472 1672), 7th Joint Vacuum Conference 1997, Debrecen, Hungary.
25., Analysis of classical chaotic elastic atom-surface scattering by quantum mechanical model, G. Varga; Extended Abstracts of JVC-7 p. 233 (ISBN 963 472 1672), 7th Joint Vacuum Conference 1997, Debrecen, Hungary.
26., Resolution and transfer width of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces (TEAS), G. Varga, Abstract Book p. 28, 10th International Conference on Solid Surfaces (ICSS-10) 1998, Birmingham, UK.
27., How does a classically chaotic scattering behave in the reality?, G. Varga, Abstract Book p. 194, 10th International Conference on Solid Surfaces (ICSS-10) 1998, Birmingham, UK.
28., Investigation of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces by 3D time dependent Schrödinger equation, G Varga, Abstract Book p. 194, 10th International Conference on Solid Surfaces (ICSS-10) 1998, Birmingham, UK.
29., A proposal for measurement of chaotic He scattering from solid surfaces, G. Varga, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, 18th European Conference on Surface Science, Vienna (Austria), September 1999, vol. 23 G, We-P-004.
30., 3D classical chaotic atom scattering, G. Varga, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, 18th European Conference on Surface Science, Vienna (Austria), September 1999, vol. 23G, Th-P-008.
31., Investigation of validity range of Bragg condition in case of the TEAS, G. Varga, Final Programme and Book of Abstracts, 8th Joint Vacuum Conference 2000, Pula, Croatia, page 65.
32., Effect of thermal vibration of He scattering on solid surface, G. Varga, E. Balázs and L. Füstöss; 8th Joint Vacuum Conference 2000, Pula, Croatia, page 55.
33., Time of flight measurement simulation of atomic scattering from solid surfaces, G. Varga, E. Balázs and L. Füstöss; 8th Joint Vacuum Conference 2000, Pula, Croatia, page 65.
34., Simulation of thermal energy atomic scattering on solid surfaces, G. Varga, ECM-19, Surface Crystallography, Nancy, France, August 31-September 1, 2000, Programme and Abstract Book O22.
35., Search for chaotic effect in case of He-Rh(311) surface scattering, G. Varga, ECM-19, Surface Crystallography, Nancy, France, August 31-September 1, 2000, Programme and Abstract Book, P25.
36., Numerical inverse scattering computations by 3D time dependent Schrödinger equation, G. Varga, E. Balázs and L. Füstöss, Third European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary, 4-8 September 2000, Programme and Abstracts, page 206.
37., Classical chaotic scattering and trapping of He atom on solid surface, G. Varga, L. Füstöss and E. Balázs, Third European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary, 4-8 September 2000, Programme and Abstracts, page 205.
38., Comparison of 3D classical and quantum mechanical He scattering on Rh(311), E. Balázs, L. Füstöss and G. Varga, 19th European Conference on Surface Science, Madrid, Spain, September 5-8, 2000, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Volume 24C, Th-P-131.
39., A model of condensation seeds evolution on solid surfaces, G. Varga, E. Balázs and L. Füstöss, 19th European Conference on Surface Science, Madrid, Spain, September 5-8, 2000, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Volume 24C, Th-P-17.
40., Thermal energy atomic scattering on disordered surfaces, L. Füstöss, E. Balázs and G. Varga, 19th European Conference on Surface Science, Madrid, Spain, September 5-8, 2000, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Volume 24C, Th-P-125.
41., Computer simulated thermal energy atomic scattering on solid surfaces, G. Varga, 19th European Conference on Surface Science, Madrid, Spain, September 5-8, 2000, We-11:30-Ant
42., András Reichardt, G. Varga and G. Veszely: Simulation of Small Gate
Transistors using Density Gradient Approach, 1st International Applied Physics Conference, Badajoz, Spain, 13-18 October 2003, Abstract Book.
43., A. Reichardt, G. Varga and G. Veszely: Computer simulation of MOSFET and HEMT devices by density gradient method, 22nd European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-22), 7-12 September 2003, Praha, Czech Republic, Abstract Book, 2003.
44., Z. Várallyay, G. Varga, L. Jakab, P. Richter, Fiber Raman Amplifier Simulation, 3rd Hungarian WDM Workshop, 2003 Budapest, Hungary (Apr. 8, 2003), Proceedings.
45., T. Mihalffy, A. Kovats, T. Hornos, G., Purcsel, L. Udvardi, G. Varga, E. Shiba (Poster), Experimental Investigation and Modelling of a Radio-Frequency Atmospheric Pressure Air Glow XXVI International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Greiswald, Germany, July 15-20, 2003 (ICOIG 2003), Contributed papers.
46., P. Nyakas, G. Varga, Z. Puskas, T. Karpati, T. Veszpremi, G. Zsombok, N. Hashizume (Poster), "Optical simulation of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with noncylindrical oxide confinement", Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2003. CLEO/Europe. 2003 Conference on, p. 201 (2003).
47., A. Pálfalvi, at.al., World Automotive Congress, FISITA, 23-27 May 2004, Barcelona, Spain. Proceedings.
48., László Makai, György Hárs, Gábor Varga, Gábor Fülöp, Péter Deák, Computer simulation and measurement on the operating pressure of Tungsten Halogen Lamps, Insitute of Physics, Conference Series Number 182, Edited by G Zisses, Light Sources 2004.
49., Varga G. and Veszely G.: Computer simulation of quantum-dot cellular automata, IVC-16/ICSS-12/8th Int. Conference on Nanometer Scale Science and Technology/AIV-17, June 28-July 2, 2004, Venice, Italy, Proceedings Book-2, p 408, 2004
50., Varga G.: Computer simulation of atom-solid surface scattering, IVC-16/International Conference on Solid Surface/Nano-8/AIV-17, June 28-July 2, 2004, Venice, Italy, Proceedings Book-2, p 268, 2004.
51., Varga G., Veszely G. and Reichardt A., IVC-16/ICSS-12/8th, Computer simulation of nano-scale transistor devices, Int. Conference on Nanometer Scale Science and Technology/AIV-17, June 28-July 2, 2004, Venice, Italy, Proceedings Book-2, p 690, 2004.
52., P. Nyakas, G. Varga, Z. Puskas, T. Karpati, T. Veszpremi, G. Zsombok, N. Hashizume, "Real three-dimensional optical simulation of non-circular VCSEL structures with finite volume method", Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, 2004. NUSOD '04. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on, p. 65-66 (2004).
53., P. Nyakas, Z. Puskas, T. Karpati, T. Veszpremi, G. Zsombok, G. Varga, N. Hashizume, "Real three-dimensional dynamical VCSEL simulation with spatially distributed noise sources", Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, 2005. NUSOD '05. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on, p. 21-22 (2005).
54., P. Nyakas, T. Karpati, G. Varga, T. Veszpremi, G. Zsombok, Z. Puskas, N. Hashizume (Poster), "Real three-dimensional spatio-temporal VCSEL simulation", Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2005. CLEO/Europe. 2005 Conference on, CB-14-MON (2005). Abstract Book.
55., G. Varga, Investigation of switching speed of the quantum-dot cellular automata, 23nd European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-23), 4-9 September 2005, Berlin, Germany, 2005, Abstract Book p. 324.
56., He-Ni szórás vizsgálata normalizált torzított hullámú Born közelítéssel, Varga Gábor: Diplomamunka (120 oldal), Budapesti Mûszaki Egyetem, Fizikai Intézet (1984) .
57., Termikus energiájú atomok szilárdfelületen való szóródásának számítása merev fal modellel, Tanulmány a Magyar Hitel Bank "Magyar Tudományért Alapítvány" keretében, 90 oldal (1992).
58., Termikus energiájú atomok szilárdfelületen való szóródásának számítása merev fal modellel, Egyetemi doktori értekezés, 100 oldal, Budapesti Mûszaki Egyetem Központi Könyvtára (1993).
59., Atomsugár-szilárdfelület kölcsönhatásának elméleti vizsgálata, OTKA T 002745 kutatási téma jelentése, 20 oldal (1996).
Poster presentations/poszter előadások:
60., The applicability of Hard Corrugated Potential Wall in calculations of surface scattering. L. Füstöss, G. Varga and E. Balázs (Poster) Third Joint Vacuum Conference 1985., Debrecen, Hungary.
61., Distorted wave Born approximation for atom-metal surface scattering E. Balázs and G. Varga (Poster) Third Joint Vacuum Conference 1985, Debrecen, Hungary.
62., Simple Hard Corrugated Wall model computations, L. Füstöss and G. Varga (Poster), Fourth Joint Vacuum Conference 1988., Portoroz, Yugoslavia.
63., Surface Reconstruction by simple Hard Corrugated Wall model computations, G. Varga and L. Füstöss (Poster) 11th International Vacuum Congress, 7th International Conference on Solid Surfaces, Köln, Germany, 1989.
64., The effect of thermal motion of atoms near the surface intensities at atom-surface scattering G. Varga and L. Füstöss (Poster) 3rd European Vacuum Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1991.
65., Calculation of diffraction peak intensities of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces by time dependent Schrödinger equation G. Varga (Poster), 7th Joint Vacuum Conference 1997, Debrecen, Hungary.
66., Determination of Debye-Waller factors from elastic diffraction peaks of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces G. Varga (Poster), 7th Joint Vacuum Conference 1997, Debrecen, Hungary.
67., Determination of intensity distribution of thermal energy atom scattering from disordered solid surface by time dependent Schrödinger equation, G. Varga (Poster); 7th Joint Vacuum Conference 1997, Debrecen, Hungary.
68., Analysis of classical chaotic elastic atom-surface scattering by quantum mechanical model, G. Varga (Poster); 7th Joint Vacuum Conference 1997, Debrecen, Hungary.
69., Investigation of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces by 3D time dependent Schrödinger equation, G Varga (Poster), 10th International Conference on Solid Surfaces (ICSS-10), 31 August 1998, Birmingham, UK.
70., Resolution and transfer width of thermal energy atomic scattering from solid surfaces, G Varga (Poster), 10th International Conference on Solid Surfaces (ICSS-10), 31 August 1998, Birmingham, UK.
71., How does a classically chaotic scattering behave in the reality?, G. Varga (Poster), 10th International Conference on Solid Surfaces (ICSS-10), 31 August 1998, Birmingham, UK.
72., A proposal for measurement of chaotic He scattering from solid surfaces, G. Varga, (Poster), 18th European Conference on Surface Science, Vienna (Austria), September 1999 .
73., 3D classical chaotic atom scattering, G. Varga, (Poster), 18th European Conference on Surface Science, Vienna (Austria), September 1999.
74., Investigation of validity range of Bragg condition in case of the TEAS, G. Varga (Poster); 8th Joint Vacuum Conference 2000, Pula, Croatia.
75., Time of flight measurement simulation of atomic scattering from solid surfaces, G. Varga, E. Balázs and L. Füstöss (Poster); 8th Joint Vacuum Conference 2000, Pula, Croatia.
76., Search for chaotic effect in case of
He-Rh(311) surface scattering, G. Varga, (Poster)
ECM-19, Surface Crystallography, Nancy, France, August 31-September 1, 2000.
77., Numerical inverse scattering computations by 3D time dependent Schrödinger equation, G. Varga, E. Balázs and L. Füstöss (Poster), Third European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary, 4-8 September 2000.
78., Classical chaotic scattering and trapping of He atom on solid surface, G. Varga, L. Füstöss and E. Balázs (Poster), Third European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary, 4-8 September 2000.
79., Comparison of 3D classical and quantum mechanical He scattering on Rh(311), E. Balázs, G. Varga and L. Füstöss (Poster) 19th European Conference on Surface Science, Madrid, Spain, September 5-8, 2000.
80., A model of condensation seeds evolution on solid surfaces, G. Varga, E. Balázs and L. Füstöss (Poster) 19th European Conference on Surface Science, Madrid, Spain, September 5-8, 2000.
81., Thermal energy atomic scattering on disordered surfaces, L. Füstöss, E. Balázs and G. Varga (Poster) 19th European Conference on Surface Science, Madrid, Spain, September 5-8, 2000.
82., András Reichardt, G. Varga and G. Veszely (Poster): Simulation of Small Gate Transistors using Density Gradient Approach, 1st International Applied Physics Conference, Badajoz, Spain, 13-18 October 2003.
83., A. Reichardt, G. Varga and G. Veszely (Poster): Computer simulation of MOSFET and HEMT devices by density gradient method, 22nd European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-22), 7-12 September 2003, Praha, Czech Republic,2003.
84., Z. Várallyay, G. Varga, L. Jakab, P. Richter, (Poster) Fiber Raman Amplifier Simulation, 3rd Hungarian WDM Workshop, 2003 Budapest, Hungary (Apr. 8, 2003).
85., T. Mihalffy, A. Kovats, T. Hornos, G., Purcsel, L. Udvardi, G. Varga, E. Shiba (Poster), Experimental Investigation and Modelling of a Radio-Frequency Atmospheric Pressure Air Glow XXVI International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Greiswald, Germany, July 15-20, 2003 (ICOIG 2003)
86., P. Nyakas, G. Varga, Z. Puskas, T. Karpati, T. Veszpremi, G. Zsombok, N. Hashizume (Poster), "Optical simulation of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with noncylindrical oxide confinement", Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2003. CLEO/Europe.
87., László Makai, György Hárs, Gábor Varga, Gábor Fülöp, Péter Deák, Computer simulation and measurement on the operating pressure of Tungsten Halogen Lamps, (Poster) 10th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Light Sources Toulouse, 18-22 July 2004.
88., A. Pálfalvi, at.al. (Poster), World Automotive Congress, FISITA, 23-27 May 2004, Barcelona, Spain.
89., Varga G. and Veszely G. (Poster): Computer simulation of quantum-dot cellular automata, IVC-16/ICSS-12/8th Int. Conference on Nanometer Scale Science and Technology/AIV-17, June 28-July 2, 2004, Venice, Italy.
90., Varga G. (Poster): Computer simulation of atom-solid surface scattering, IVC-16/International Conference on Solid Surface/Nano-8/AIV-17, June 28-July 2, 2004, Venice, Italy.
91., Varga G., Veszely G. and Reichardt A., (Poster), Computer simulation of nano-scale transistor devices, IVC-16/ICSS-12/8th Int. Conference on Nanometer Scale Science and Technology/AIV-17, June 28-July 2, 2004.
92., P. Nyakas, G. Varga, Z. Puskas, T. Karpati, T. Veszpremi, G. Zsombok, N. Hashizume (Poster), "Real three-dimensional optical simulation of non-circular VCSEL structures with finite volume method", Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, 2004. NUSOD '04.
93., G. Varga (Poster), Investigation of switching speed of the quantum-dot cellular automata, 23nd European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-23), 4-9 September 2005, Berlin, Germany, 2005.
94., G. Varga, Investigation of switching speed of the quantum-dot cellular automata, 23nd European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-23), 4-9 September 2005, Berlin, Germany, 2005.
95., P. Nyakas, T. Karpati, G. Varga, T. Veszpremi, G. Zsombok, Z. Puskas, N. Hashizume (Poster), "Real three-dimensional spatio-temporal VCSEL simulation", Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2005. CLEO/Europe. 2005 Conference on, CB-14-MON (2005).
Oral presentations/szóbeli elõadások:
96., Effect of thermal vibration of He scattering on solid surface, G. Varga, E. Balázs and L. Füstöss (Oral); 8th Joint Vacuum Conference 2000, Pula, Croatia.
99., Simulation of thermal energy atomic scattering on solid surfaces, G. Varga (Oral) ECM-19, Surface Crystallography, Nancy, France, August 31-September 1, 2000.
100., Computer simulated thermal energy atomic scattering on solid surfaces, G. Varga (Oral) 19th European Conference on Surface Science, Madrid, Spain, September 5-8, 2000.
101., P. Nyakas, Z. Puskas, T. Karpati, T. Veszpremi, G. Zsombok, G. Varga, N.Hashizume (Oral), "Real three-dimensional dynamical VCSEL simulation with spatially distributed noise sources", Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, 2005. NUSOD '05. 5th International Conference on, p. 21-22 (2005).