Simulation of thermal energy atomic scattering on solid surfaces

G. Varga

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Physics, Budafoki út 8, Budapest, Hungary H-1111

Thermal energy atomic scattering (TEAS) is a useful tool to investigate the structure, the phonon spectra and the disorders of the solid surfaces [1]. The probe particles do not penetrate into the surfaces, the TEAS is non-destructive. TEAS has been treated by an appropriate quantum mechanical model. The atomic beam is described by Gaussian wave-packet as an ensemble of independent particles. The atom - solid surface interaction is characterised by an interaction potential. The interaction potential provides the properties of ideally periodic and disordered surfaces, respectively. The scattering process is governed by time dependent Schrödinger equation that is solved numerically in the case of two- and three-dimensional coordinate space [2][3]. The computations ensure the time propagation of the intensity distribution quantitatively and as an animation, respectively [4].

[1] D. Farías and K.H. Rieder, Rep. Prog. Phys. Vol. 61 (1998) p. 1575-1664.

[2] G. Varga, Applied Surface Science, (1999) vol.144-145 p. 64-68.

[3] G. Varga, Surface Science, (1999) vol. 441 p. 472-478.

[4] G. Varga, Home Page, Scattering animations (2000):

Accepted for oral presentation

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