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Dr SOMLO PICT János Somló Dr

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Tözsdefórumos publikációk:

, Academical Doctor of Engineering
Active Member of the New York Academy of Sciences,
Doctor Honoris Causa STANKIN, Moscow.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Robotics, Optimization and Control Problems, Model
Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) of Robots, CAD of Control Systems, Harmonic


- Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems: Structures, Optimization and Control Problems,
Production Planning and Control.

- Robotics: Kinematics, Time - Optimal Trajectory Planning, Parametric Methods, Robot Control
Methods, MRAC.


- Time - Optimal Robot Cruising Trajectory Planning (See: Somlo, Podurajev (1994); Somlo,
Karlov (1995) )

- Dynamic Model of Robots in Riemann Space
(See: Podurajev, Somlo (1993) )

- Reverse Scheduling. A New Approach to the FMS Job Assigment
(See: J. Somlo, Ali El Buzidi (1996) )

- General Method of the Determination of Optimal Manufacturing Process Parameters. Secondary
Optimization Method for Process and Management Aspects Enforcement. Adaptive Control
Optimization for Machine Tools.
(See: Somlo, Nagy (1976); Somlo, Horv th (1981); Somlo (1984); Somlo (1986) )

- Assymptotically Stable MRAC of Robots.
(P.T. Cat, J.Somlo (1988) )

- Intelligent Scheduling of FMS
(Somlo, Watanabe T. (1992) )

- General Method for Harmonic Linearization of Piecewise Linear Systems
(Somlo (1966) )

Selected publications

- Horv th M., Somlo J.: (Optimization and Adaptive Control of Manufacturing Processes)
Mûszaki K”nyvkiad¢, Budapest, 1979. 256 pages.

- Somlo J., Pham Tuong Cat: (Computer Aided Design of Linear and Nonlineer Control Systems)
Akad‚mia Kiad¢, Budapest, 1983. 430 pages.

Soml¢ J., Lantos B., P.T.Cat: Advanced Robot Control (to be published by the Akad‚mia Kiad¢.


1. Soml¢ J.(1966), Obobscsonnj metod dlja iszledov nyija szisztem sz kuszocsno-linyejnmi
harakterisztikami I. ‚s II.

Garmonicseszkij analiz kuszocsno-linyejnh harakterisztik. Avtomatika i Telemachanika.
Moszkva, 1966. No. 7. ‚s No. 10.

2. Soml¢ J.(1970), On a Computer Aided Method for Nonlinear System Design.
IFAC Kyoto Symposium, Kyoto, 1970.

3. T. Frey, J. Somlo, Nguyen van Quy (1972), The use of operators with degenerated kernel for
nonlinear system investigation. IFAC 5th Congress. Paris, 1972.

4. Soml¢ J., Nagy J. (1976): A new approach to cutting data optimization.
Advances in Computer-aided Manufacture, Proceedings of the 3rd International IFIC-IFAC
Conference on Programming Language for Machine Tools. PROLAMAT' 76, Stirling, Scotland.
15-18 June, 1976./D. McPherson/, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1977. pp. 293-303.

5. Soml¢ J.(1980), On a new override principle for adaptively controlled /AC/ machine tools.
MANUFACONT 80. 3. IFAC/IFIP Symposium on Control Problems and Devices in
Manufacturing Technology.
Budapest, October 22-25, 1980. Preprints, Budapest, IFAC, 1980. pp. 101-106.

6. Soml¢ J., Horv th M. (1981): On the Hierarchichal Systems. Optimization and Adaptive
Control of Machine Tools. IFAC VIII. Worls Congress, Kyoto. 1980.

7. Soml¢ J.(1984), On the Maximum Profit Rate Optimization of Cutting Data.
Preprints of the 9th World Congress of the IFAC. Budapest, 1984.

8. Soml¢ J.(1986), Some Problems of Optimization in Computer Integrated Manufacturing
IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems, Zrich, 1986.

9. Soml¢ J.(1986), Optimization problems in FMS.
Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Osaka, 1986.

10. P.T. Cat, Soml¢ J.(1988), On the Model Reference Adaptive Control of n-Degree of Freedom
Robots. USA - Japan Symposium on Flexible Automation
Minneapolis, 1988. july. pp. 241-249

11. Soml¢ J.(1989), CIM mintarendszer a BME-n (CIM Pilot Plant at TUB)
G‚pgy rt stechnol¢gia. Budapest, 1989. 9-10.

12. Soml¢ J.(1989), Optimization Aspects of Experimental FMS at the Technical University of
Budapest. (TUB).
IFAC Decisional Structures in Automated Manufacturing.
Genova. 1989.

13. J. Somlo. PT. CAT(1990), A Coordinates Conversion Method without Inversion in Robot
Control. Japan USA Symposium on Flexible Automation 1990. Kyoto.

14. P.T. Cat., J. Somlo.(1991), Discrete Signal Model Reference Adaptive Control of Robots.
SYROCO`91. IFAC Symposium on Robot Control. Vienna. 1991. September.

15. J. Somlo, T. Watanabe (1992), Intelligent Scheduling of FMS.: The Optimization Approach.
Japan: USA Symposium on Flexible Automation. 1992. San Francisco.

16. J. Podurajev, J. Somlo (1993), A New Approach to the Contour Following Problem in Robot
Control (Dynamic Model in Riemann Space)
MECHATRONICS. Vol. 3. N*2. 1993.
See also: Int. Symp. on Industrial Robots (ISIR) 1992. Barcelona.

17. J. Somlo, J. Podurajev (1994) Optimal Cruising Trajectory Planning for Robots.
MECHATRONICS. Vol.4. N*5. 1994.

18. J. Somlo, K. Karlov (1995), LabVIEW Realization of Optimal Robot Motion. CAMP`95.
CAD/CAM and Multim‚dia.
Budapest. 1995. Sept.

19. J.Somlo, Ali El Buzidi (1996), Reverse Scheduling. A New Approach to the Solution of FMS
Scheduling Problems.
Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Regian. RAAD'96.
Budapest, June. 1996.

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