Dr. George Horvai
Professor in the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, BUTE (BME)
Office address Budapest
University of Technology and Economics
Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
4 St. Gellert sqr, Budapest, Hungary, H-1111
Ch Building, ground floor East side, Room 12
Phone: (+36 1) 463 1480
e-mail: george.horvai AT mail.bme.hu
Born 14th January 1949.
Education: MSc in chemical engineering from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, BUTE in 1973
MSc in applied mathematics from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, R. Eotvos University in Budapest.
Degrees: Candidate of Chemical Science and PhD in 1980
Doctor of Chemical Sciences in 1991
Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science since 2007.
Jobs: Working for BUTE since 1973. Full professor since 1991. Served as Vice President of the University between 1997 and 2004.
Visiting researcher (3 months or longer): ETH Zurich, Switzerland;
Technical Research Center (VTT), Finland;
University of Illinois,
University of Florida
University of North-Carolina,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA).
Awards: Széchenyi Prize (Donated by the President of Hungary for scientific achievements)
Academy Prize (Hungarian Academy of Sciences),
Outstanding Inventor (Hungarian Minister of Industry),
Outstanding Educator (Hungarian Minister of Culture and Education),
Széchenyi Professorship.
Research interests: Ion selective membranes, their physical chemistry and analytical applications.
Computer modeling of the membrane/solution, L/L and L/G interface.
Automation in the analytical/pharmacokinetic laboratory.
Molecular imprinting.
Flow injection analysis,
HPLC, electrochemical detectors.
Selectivity in analytical chemistry.
Papers: Full list at https://vm.mtmt.hu/search/slist.php?nwi=1&inited=1&ty_on=1&url_on=1&cite_type=2&orderby=3D1a&location=mtmt&stn=1&AuthorID=1285171&Scientific=1
Selected papers (pdf or abstract)