P.Gottwald: Microwave Semiconductor Devices TOPICS Physics and characterisation of related materials Crystal-structures - charge carriers - generation & recombination processes - high-field & ballistic transport phenomena -fluctuation phenomena Mixer-, varactor-, PIN- and Tunnel diodes Bipolar and field effect microwave transistors - homo and heterojunction transistors Transit time devices: IMPATT-, BARITT-, Bulk-effect-devices: Gunn diodes Semiconductor technology of microwave semiconductor devices Microwave Integrated Circuits Reliability aspects
Textbook in Hungarian ~ ISBN: 963 10 5861 1 Pages: 315 |
Mikrohullámú kézikönyv (MICROWAVE HANDBOOK) (in Hungarian) AUTHORS Dr. I. Kása (Author) Dr. T. Bercelli (Author) P. Gottwald - Dr. Romhányi Miklós (Authors) (*) I. Frigyes (Author) Published by: Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest (1973) Pages: 985 Figurs: 124 Scholarly publishing Reg. No.: 60221.
TOPICS (*) Chapt. 6: Microwave active devices pp. 445-491 |